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Creating opportunities for ex female prisoners

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Empowering Women, Changing Lives

At UkExFemalePrisoner, we believe in the power of second chances. We are dedicated to creating opportunities for ex female prisoners to rebuild their lives and thrive. Our support services are designed to empower women of all backgrounds, providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed, providing them with a smoother transition back into the community after prison release.

Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for women in our community.

Who We Are

Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2021, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch UkExFemalePrisoner. We strive to  support ex female prisoners back into the community, and to create and develop more opportunities for them.

Mothers behind bars 
Music & Video GDbSounds© in collaboration with Francesca Fattore 


We work hard to get our efforts noticed by the media and are so proud when this goal comes to fruition. Take a look at some of our latest coverage and help spread the word about all the amazing developments at UkExFemalePrisoner.

Transplanting Succulents

Local Non-Profit Makes a Splash with Summer Fundraiser

Walking Down Empty Road

From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of UkExFemalePrisoner

Dog Shelter

Interview with UkExFemalePrisoner Director

Meet The Team

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Francesca Fattore

  • Youtube

Francesca Fattore

is an ex female prisoner at HMP Bronzfield. She was incarcerated for 3 years and 8 months. During this time she was transferred to HMP Send where she spent her remaining sentence time.

During her time at HMP Send, Francesca was chosen to be interviewed by Catherine, Princess of Wales ( Kate Middleton) in 2020 as part of The Forward Trust.The project focuses on breaking the 'cycle of addiction and or crime'. Since leaving prison Francesca has completely changed her life and now works as a mentor for ex female prisoners. She also raises awareness about the revolving door of crime and has appeared on ITVX and channel 5 advocating for women in prison. Francesca has also appeared in many news articles relating to prisoand now hosts a successful YOUTUBE channel where she interviews ex prisoners and recent crime stories. Most recently Francesca's work has evolved where she now works in collaboration with a mental health specialist to create and develop opportunities for ex female prisoners to support them in their transition back into the Community.

                   Tell us your story!!! 

     We are creating and developing opportunities for ex female prisoners but we need your support to do this.         Contact us and tell us your lived          experience of prison. Are you struggling, can we help you, do you need to talk?  

                         Contact Us  




             Women behind bars  
            Music & Video GDbSounds
     In collaboration with Francesca Fattore


Glenna De Bosco

Glenna De Bosco

qualified as a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist in 1995 at The London Institute Of Human Sexuality. She then qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2008 at the Institute Of Clinical Hypnotherapy, London. 

Whilst furthering her training as an Independent domestic violence advisor with Safelives she also worked with the MPS as a Korean engagement officer with the largest Korean community outside of Europe. Her role was "bridging the gap" between the MPS and the Korean community and to support both the South Korean & North Korean residents to live harmoniously together taking into consideration both North and South Korea are enemies. She also founded the first Korean Information centre in Uk and created a resettlement programme for North Korean defectors who had mananged to escape from North Korea. 

Because of her work with the Korean community she was invited to SOAS University in London as a guest speaker on the challenges in SE Asian cultures.

Her most recent work led her to HMP Bronzfield as a mental health specialist and part of the in- reach team where she provided advocacy for female prisoners both inside HMP Bronzfield and " Through the gate" back into the community.Glenna is also a mental health training instructor for MHFA.

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     In Memory of Marie Salter. 


   In Memory of Maxine Oliver 



Do you need help?  Contact Refuge free,             24/7    0808 2000 247

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